Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Phoenix

Sometimes, at those times, I know where this road will lead
And then times, after the time, I realize that I never knew,
Perhaps, by chance, a time will come that tells it’s own story
Mayhap by circumstance the story will prove true, after a time
Poet, yes, prophet, maybe, human being always
The story of the journey of a soul through time
The definition of grace and age that only time itself can define
Visions of the future, plagued by guilts of the past
A past that still remains unclear itself, but time has given it wings
It floats by me in instances of everyday life, in the eyes of an old woman
In the laughter of a child, the concern of a parent
The ramblings of a lunatic that makes sense to the parts of me that still listen
To the rustle of wind, howling of it through leaves and branches
A growth of immeasurable worth, have I always been this understanding
Have I always been this naïve, this out of control of the fates that guide me?

And in the end there he stands:  is it him/ or what I want to believe is him?
A shadow of a human being I helped create, I helped destroy
Can I make him whole again; will that ever be his own desire his own will?
Without him wanting, without him needing completion, I will never achieve my destiny
So time again rules over all, time will tell, as always, what God has in store
Can he be whole; the question plagues my mind and every waking hour
Was this what I truly asked for what I thought would complete my journey?
In the wrecked sorrow of his heart, in the shadowed void of his soul,
Is there no presence or even a need for life, for light, for rebirth?

The Phoenix is there hidden beneath the pain, biding it’s time to grow and share it’s unending warmth.
It’s light flickers behind his eyes in moments of unguarded expressions.
In gestures of selfless sacrifice, in voices alive with love
Can this bird be freed, can the unattainable power it holds be liberated for all to bathe in
And sometimes, in those times, I know that it cannot
And then times, after the time, I know that there is no choice, it will be freed
Will it’s freedom spell his destruction, seed my rebirth
Will it’s power seal his fate and justify mine,
Perhaps by chance, his ache has become mine, and I myself I am pulled to lie beside the bird
Desperately filling it’s lungs with my own air; shamelessly fanning it’s fire with my own
Surrounded by darkness, numbed by a cold that should not exist.
Mayhap by circumstance, it will rise, through the grace of God and the blind heart of a fool that didn’t know that there are no second chances
Faith stands, bringing with it the power from the Creator, holding in His All-Knowing hand the seeds to eternal bliss
Bringing with it the awe-inspiring power of love, let’s wait for time to catch up
For it waits for no one, but when it comes, the Phoenix will rise, it will flame, and it will burn

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