Showing posts with label Homeopathic Remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeopathic Remedies. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2014

And To Your Health

Its no secret that when I'm not writing about the tragedies of social despair or carving up against the odds love stories I have a thing with health.  It goes beyond the normal everyday oh Im going to try to eat better. I have cut foods out of my diet to cure me of heartburn and lessen my allergies. What I am going to do now is give you my top recommendations for your overall health and this is totally about consumption. So these changes you can make now without changing or adding an exercise regiment. I don't care what they say, if you are not eating the way you need to be that exercise regiment is not doing you any favors.  Health for me, like most things start with what you put in.  Literally.

Number 1: Local fruits, vegetables and natural meats

I''m not going to say go vegetarian or vegan.  Those are lifestyle choices that I know nothing about so I can't recommend beyond what I know. To aid in allergies eat local fruits and vegetables.  They usually have in their green and juicy goodness all of the natural antibodies you need to adapt to your environment.

Natural meats are becoming a scarce commodity. However they are not impossible to find. Websites like let you find natural game meat providers local to you. This is a definite don't knock it till you try it kind of thing.  For roughly over a year and half I ate nothing but local natural game meats and local fruits and vegetables from a fruit stand and not the grocery store and experienced some of the best overall health in my life.  While places like Whole Foods can give you a great outlet for vitamins and supplements many of the food products are overpriced and unnecessarily so. It sounds like eating this way would be expensive when it is actually more affordable than average grocery store prices for what is sometimes lesser in quality foods.

Number 2: Eat right for your blood type

This diet has been the subject of much scrutiny and disbelief. I think it is like all things, it works well for some and not for all.  We are not an exact science we are individuals.  All i know is that due to the suggestions from eat right for your blood type I removed chicken and tomatoes from my diet.  Please keep in mind that at this stage in my life I experienced terrible heartburn.  I was up to 2 to 3 Prilosecs twice a day. I removed these from my diet and perhaps three to four months later I was able to stop taking any heartburn medication and I haven't had to resume 2 years later.  With that being said no new dietary plan should be undertaken without research. . This is a good source to start with because it lists pros and cons to the system.  I say buy the book and choice for yourself.  It has improved my overall health.

Number 3: The Less Prescription Drugs the better

I have this wonderful sister-in-law who like me has a far reaching concern with health.  Mostly in making sure she, my niece, nephew and brother live long healthy lives and I applaud her for it.  Because of my level of trust in her research and discernment I am recommending this blind.  I will in the near future begin to try this myself so It won't be long till I'm telling stories about how awesome it is. The product is called Young Living essential oils and it focuses on using natural remedies to cure illness. Like I said this is all about what you put in you.  People have a tendency to not recognize the potential long term effects of prescription drugs. My goal in life is to get to the point that I don't need prescription drugs anymore and this product puts you in line with a goal like that. I've read countless stories from my sister-in-law and people who have started using the oils that are no short of miraculous.  The latest being how she used them to stave off the flu from her son, my nephew. 

In her words:

As many of you know, I am very into natural healing and have been for about 6 years now. We have been able to fight and beat everything that we have caught naturally (with 2 exceptions) with no doctors visits, otc's or prescriptions in that 6 years. Everytime my kids get sick we fight it off quickly in 48 hours or less, but I always wonder what the illness really was (because we aren't going to a doctor for a diagnosis) and how long it would have taken them to recover on their own. I've had close friends and relatives say things like, "Well, maybe it wasn't really an ear infection" or "Chances are the fever was just a fluke and not really a cold." To be honest, I had my doubts as well. I knew my children were recovering quickly and LIKED to think it was because of all my alternative medicines, but couldn't be 100% without a diagnosis or a side by side comparison of some sort. 

Well, this weekend I got that comparison! My son had a playdate with a friend Friday after school and by Friday evening around 8 he was running a 101 fever, had a cough and complained of his stomach hurting. I rubbed him down with Thieves and gave him some elderberry syrup and put him to bed. He woke up in the middle of the night very hot and was coughing a lot. I put more thieves on him, set the diffuser up with more oil in his room and put him back to bed. The next day (Saturday) he was VERY lethargic, 102.8 temp, no appetite, cough, watery eyes, sneezing, name it. I feared it was the flu and almost felt in over my head. In the years we have treated things naturally I have not had any experiences that I thought to be the flu. I texted the mother of the child my son had played with Friday to see if he was sick and he was not......yet. I immediately mixed up a few essential oils with honey and started giving it to him every 3 hours. By 5 Saturday evening (not even 24 hours later) I was seeing some major improvement and his fever had broken. I checked on him that night in bed and he was warm again, but not burning up. As of yesterday morning he has been totally fever free and you would never know he had been so sick! I get a text yesterday morning from the little boy's mom saying he woke up with a fever, cough and nausea. Long story short, she took him to the Dr this morning because he had gotten worse and it is the FLU! All this to say we beat the freakin' flu in 24 hours!

For more information on this you can contact my sis-in-law who has become a distributor due to her belief in the product at